Adress: Koopvaardijstraat 29, 5017 BE, Tilburg, Netherlands
Tel.: +31 6 82 07 59 78
Date and place of birth: 2nd of Oktober 1990, Iserlohn, Germany
since 09.2015
Master Econometrics and Mathematical Economics, University Tilburg, Netherlands
10.2014– 09.2015
Master Social and Economic Data Analysis, Universität Konstanz, Germany (quit; 2.0)
09.2011– 08.2014
Bachelor VWL (Economics), Universität Mannheim, Germany (2.5)
Thesis: The Effect of Mayoral Elections on the Crime Rate (1,3); Supervisor: Stephen Kastoryano
08.2001– 07.2011
Gymnasium an der Stenner (Iserlohn, Germany)
Graduation: Abitur (grade point average 1.7)
08.2008– 05.2009
Exchange year in Cuidad Victoria, Mexiko (School: La Salle) Spanish (C1)
09.2011– 08.2014
Member of the student council Economics, University of Mannheim: Inter alia Faculty Council, Department Council and Study Commission Member, Finance Officer of the student self administration
11.2010– 04.2011
Organization and implementation of the drama-group of the school Gymnasium An der Stenner
10.2014– 06.2014
Research Assistant at the Chair of Econometrics, Prof. Pohlmeier, University of Konstanz
12.2013– 07.2013
Research Assistant at the Collaborative Research Center 884, Subproject B 5, Professor Dr. Frohlich, University of Mannheim
05.2012– 12.2013
Research Assistant at the Chair of Economic Geography, Prof. Gans, University of Mannheim
07.2013– 08.2013
Internship at the Federal Ministry of Transport Construction and Urban Development, Unit Urban Development
07.2012– 08.2012
Internship at the Institute for Housing and Environment in Darmstadt
08.2007– 06.2008
Tutoring in the context of the Project “Sprache-Verbindet” (language-connects) of the Rotary Club Iserlohn Waldstadt
German (mother tongue), English (fluent) and Spanish (quite fluent)
Stata, R, Latex, Matlab, EViews, Markdown, Github, Python
Sports, Yoga, Slow Movement, Medicine, Environmental Issues
date: February 2016